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Hey!!! Sorry guys for not attending this tourney - but my new job doesn't give me no free days. But as I can see it will be one hell of a tourney - a lot of great players. Hope you get all the best fights on tape! Slovenian players come in good shape in GGXX:/ so I am looking forward for the results. Hope you have fun guys and may the best fighter win! Good luck!
Hokuto no Ken [Atomiswave/PS2]
BeitragWell less inputs than GG. I wouldnt say it is easier - it requires a lot of Just Frame-ing. (but which quality fighting game doesn't :? ) Yeah it cost me quite a lot (aprox. 1600 EUR) but it was worth every penny! @Chun - haha I haven't even thought about that. Nanto vs Hokuto will be great!! Yeah luckily in Slovenia there is a big fanbase and I think in Italy we will see a lot of good players playing that game. So it looks like it is going to be strong base of quality players in EU. Sweeeet!!!!
Hokuto no Ken [Atomiswave/PS2]
BeitragToday I have recieved the game and consolized AW. All I can say is that game rox! No really! Guilty Gear is awesome, Third Strike rulz - but nothing beats Kenshiros 100 hit Instant Kill! With such a great characters that game has come the top fighting game for me. It is similar to GG but still it plays differently. The first thing you notice is that you don't need so many inputs than GG - in that way it is more like Third Strike. But mechanics like IK, FD, "Dust" (AB), IB it is all there! Instan…
Congrats to Demolant in #R!!! Beating Sh1Nd is not an easy task! But I am not surprised - cause he's Sol is really a beast! A bit different (unusual) setups than most of the Sol's and exelent execution! Good Job! But I am very disapointed that Mike and others (AcidHell, SicFi ...) were not in the tournament! Not good for the fighting comunity!
Weiz 2005
Beitrag8O OMG I didn't even see this debate. Since my German is "zehr schleht" I understood that Dyny was angry about something and not setisfied. All I can say is, that this was maybe the best tournament I was on and I was in Stuttgart and in Slovenian nationals - and they were both good organised tourneys. I don't know what Dyny and Raziel had, but all I can say from spectator and participant view - the tourney was great (OK a part from TTT tournament :lol:, but at least I could get some sleep at tha…
GGXX Basix
BeitragJust one question. While I was practicing "option-select AT" I got one idea. Does anybody know how many frames does jump need to be excecuted? Why am I asking this - I wondered what is the best way to practice wakeup situations (as you beeing the attacker). And I thought if I give dummie (in training) that he JUMPS all the time - and I knock him down, and then start the wakeup with low attack (I'm playing with Sol) and if sometimes I'm a bit late, the dummie succesfully makes the jump, meaning m…
Weiz 2005
BeitragMeh it's not worth it! :oops: Regarding the vids - unfortunatly there weren't any. But belive me only watching this matches makes it worth vile coming to Weiz! But you can check some pictures from the tourney, but mostly from Slovenian guys.
Weiz 2005
BeitragGreat tournament!!!! Great organisation and even better competition! The finals in GG#r between Sh1Nd and Kekken were super thirilling and Sh1Nd beated Kekken in final round, when it was tied 2:2. Unbelivable, I was 100% that Kekken would win this one. Great props to both! You were awesome! I was also super setisfied with my 4th place! Congratulations to all the Austrians - it was obvious that you had good training with Sh1Nd. Congratulations to Raziel and Dyny and to all that helped in this meg…
Turnier in Österreich
BeitragNo, he wont be coming. Unfortunatly. But don't worry there'll be planty more Slo-asses to beat So is there any news on when the tourney starts? When should we be there? We are coming with two cars - unfortunatly not before Saturday. [/u]
Turnier in Österreich
Beitraghe he I am sure he would prefer kekken, but I have also improved a lot with my Sol (prepairing for Holy Order Sol ) I don't know if I can come - but I will definitly try to, since you are there - I will phone Kekken to see the situation. C ya! Guuuuun flaaaaaameeeeeeee!!!!
Turnier in Österreich
Beitraguf, aren't you a bit early? Hmmm... so you'll be staying there for whole week? And the whole time training? Good for Dyny. I must ask him if I can come in Friday for pre-practice
Turnier in Österreich
BeitragOK today we agreed on our team. We are coming with 2 cars - and with our best team. So far: Kekken Junior Strumf hell Izzy 1muv nodrim + some more Is it possible to write some kind of route of how to get to the place - map would be extra 1337 Can't wait!!!!
Turnier in Österreich
BeitragSo, any news on German players? Who is coming for this tournament - Sh1nd? Are you coming? We are coming with our best team so hope to see you there!
Turnier in Österreich
BeitragWe are defenitly coming - the whole GG crew + some Tekken freaks! We are expecting two or three cars at least! Hopefully - the best Germans will come - it's payback time :twisted: No siriously, it will be very good tournament since we have trained a lot, so hopefully we'll see you there!
GGXX #R: Slayer
BeitragHoly sh*t! You're on fire! Cool stuff!!! Ok, some scruby questions. How do I see if i have done succesfully: bdc mappa (Sly flickers a bit?) I am still having some problems with this, cause I am not sure which timing is better - to do it quickly so: 442367 or pause a bit after 44. bite is ok, I am quite good at it. But I am having problems with BDC bite. I dont know if I have done it correctly (note that I am doing this in practice). I think that the animation of Slayer back dashing starts for j…
GGXX #R: Slayer
BeitragOh just one thing (well two...) You are saying that 6HS to Pile Bunker is guaranteed. I am looking at Japanese fights and they are using quite a lot of 6HS. So i guess it's usefull. Is HS to Pile Bunker also guaranteed? Can you tell me what's the best anti-air that Slayer has. And what are the best wakeup (meaty) moves. I reckon 2K and 6K? What about hardest matchups? Potemkin and Axel? Thx!
GGXX #R: Slayer
BeitragOMG 8O !!!!! Yes, yes!! That is the answer that I was looking for. Oh, if I just asked one week ago I wouldn't lost my nerves in GC forum. Thanks guys you really helped me with this one. Ribbon were you in BC32k5? Cause I don't remember seeing your name in the brackets. I was hoping to meet you too. Oh well I hope that soon the Austrian guys make a tourney and we both from Slovenia and Germany can come. Thanks for helping!!!! Back to training... Usss!